Rescuing Emma (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) Read online

Page 5

  “Nate,” she placed a hand on his chest. “Do you have, um, you know…”

  He smiled. “Protection?”

  Emma let go the breath she was holding. “Yes, do you?”

  He nodded towards the night stand. “We’re covered. I’ve got you, Emma.” He caressed her cheek, in awe of the softness of her skin. The look in his eyes shifted. “Damn, you’re so beautiful.”

  Emma’s heart melted. In that moment, she felt beautiful, and it was intoxicating. His words made her feel safe, not just protected from pregnancy, but protected from…well, she didn’t know what, exactly, but the mood that was so intense before gentled. It was still sizzling-hot, but a trust was born between them.

  “I’m sorry, Nate.”

  His gaze narrowed, confused. “For what?”

  “I’m not very good at this. I mean, I don’t do this all the time. I’m not a wild and promiscuous woman,” she rambled.

  Nate stopped her with a kiss. Unlike the first one, this one was soft, sweet, exploratory. He held the sides of her face, fingers sunk deep into her hair, massaging her scalp. Every caress of his lips against hers filled him with a need for more. He wanted to taste every inch of her sweet body, but he was determined to slow down, let her set the pace. Finally, he pulled back and whispered, “I know you don’t do this all the time. I know you’re not promiscuous, but…you are good at this,” he nipped her lip, “and if you want to be wild with me, Emma, be wild because I’m sure going to do my damndest to drive you wild, in the best possible way.”

  They were the right words at the right time.

  “Show me!” Emma whispered, nervous and incredibly excited.

  Nate didn’t need any more encouragement. “Yes, ma’am,” he murmured. He moved over her, sitting on his knees and straddling her hips. “Put your hands over your head,” he instructed.

  When she did, he unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off. Emma stared at the tanned, muscled chest, his sculpted abs, his strong arms and shoulders. How could she have ever not liked muscles before, she thought. Nate was a magnificent specimen of a man. He rose up and unbuttoned his jeans. In a few quick movements, they were tossed to the floor with his shirt and remaining clothing. Now completely naked, Emma’s fear returned. He was big…everywhere!

  Nate followed the path of her wide-eyed stare and suppressed a smile. Her reaction to seeing him nude only made it worse as he grew harder before her eyes. When her mouth fell open and she licked her lips, he groaned. “Let’s get you out of those,” he glanced down at her pink lace panties.

  The scorching intensity in his blue eyes made Emma wet. How did he do that?

  She watched as he leaned down, and instead of reaching for her panties like she thought he was about to do, he slid his hands up her sides, to her stomach, and straight to her breasts where he gently squeezed and massaged. His head dipped, and he began a slow, practiced assault with his tongue. When his teeth grazed her nipple, she groaned, squirming beneath the heated onslaught.

  Nate wanted more. She was sweet, and sexy, and soft. God, it’d been so long since he’d last been with a woman. His body wanted to dive straight in, balls-deep, but he wanted to make this special. Emma wasn’t just some bungalow bunny that hung around military bases trying to catch a soldier, she was a lady through and through. And something about that fact drove him crazy with desire, made him want her even more.

  He shifted and trailed a line of hot kisses down her belly until he reached the edge of the lace. His fingers eased under the band and tugged them down. The scent of her filled his senses, spurring him on. He pulled the scrap of material off her ankles, and then, holding her knees, spread her legs wide, staring hard.

  Emma felt instantly embarrassed, but when she glanced down, he was watching her, lips parted. He held her gaze as his fingers began caressing her inner thighs.

  “I’m going to taste you now, Emma.”

  Searing desire shot through her as the meaning of his words sunk in. His head descended, hands gripping her hips. Emma closed her eyes. It was too much! The first flick of his tongue on her most intimate part sent her reeling. He did not relent. Not for one moment.

  “Oh, God!” she moaned.

  Nate heard her cries and worked her harder, plunging his tongue deep, lapping her juices before flicking her hard nub again. Emma’s hips rocked as her thighs clamped tight around his ears. Wanting to take her higher, Nate slid two fingers deep inside, caressing her as he licked.

  “Yes! Oh!” Emma jammed the back of her hand against her mouth to keep from crying out. She was getting close to orgasm already and she couldn’t believe it. This didn’t happen hardly ever with previous lovers. She could usually only reach orgasm quickly when alone, using her vibrator, but here she was shockingly close to losing her mind while this big, gorgeous man found her sensitive spots and showed no mercy.

  Nate heard her panting breaths and increased the rhythm. He was so hard, desperate to be inside her, but he wanted her to come first.

  “Oh yes. Oh yes. Nate, yesssss.” Emma’s spasmed as a powerful climax wracked her body. She writhed, her hips bucking as Nate continued, not letting up. Adrenaline rushed through her making her feel languid. As she relaxed, Nate sat up and before she could say ‘Hallelujah’ he slipped on a condom and slid deep inside her still-throbbing womanhood. She gasped.

  Reaching up, Emma grabbed his shoulders and held on for dear life. He thrust deep and laid a searing kiss upon her parted lips. His girth filled her, stretching her tight. Slowly, he swiveled his hips as he kissed her lips. Emma could taste herself on his tongue. Knowing what he’d just done to her and what he was doing now made her lady parts tighten all over again. She rocked forward, feeling his hardness pushing against her walls. Sensations washed over her. She was hot and swollen at her very core as Nate pumped harder, alternating the rhythm.

  His arms felt like granite and the cords of muscles in his neck and shoulders stood out in relief as he held himself over her. Emma looked up and found him watching her. She couldn’t look away. Each thrust brought them both closer to the edge and she was afraid she’d fall apart into a million pieces if she didn’t hold on.

  “Wrap your legs around me, Emma,” Nate commanded.

  Emma did. She locked her ankles around his waist. With her legs high and squeezing tighter, he was able to thrust deeper. The intensity of their eye contact, his erotic command, and powerful strokes sent her tumbling over the cliff once again. This time, Nate joined her.

  The world fell away in an explosion of pleasure. Spent, Nate slumped atop her, his head resting in the crook of her neck.

  Emma tried to catch her breath even as she held Nate close, caressing his shoulders. She was surprised. Sex had never been this good for her. It was always pleasant, when she’d had it, but outside of private moments, she’d never had orgasms like this. Moments passed in silence. She wondered why it had been so intense between them, and wanted to ask Nate, but a soft snore told her he’d already left the conversation before it could begin. In the silence, her thoughts ran away with her. She’d been incredibly wanton with this man, a man so unlike the academic types she usually dated. They were polite, predictable, and somehow terribly unexciting compared to the man she currently lay beneath. He’d rolled partway off but still had one arm around her waist and one leg flung over hers. The heavy scent of sex hung on the air reminding her of how easily and vigorously she’d fallen into his bed. He’d called her beautiful and meant it. But he didn’t know the real Emma. Didn’t know the concert t-shirt and glasses wearing nerd nor the card-carrying news junkie and respected journalist that she’d worked so hard to become. No, he knew the sexy, flirty London club girl she’d pretended to be. Would he even like the real Emma? No, she thought. That kind of woman wasn’t Nate’s type. He was too beautiful, and she was just…Emma.

  Feeling overwhelmed, she eased out from beneath him and slipped away to the bathroom, picking up her clothes along the way.

  Chapter 6

t was quiet down in the lobby and she was thankful. She needed to think. Emma sat on a plush white couch near the window admiring the massive globe-shaped crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling. She didn’t know what to do. Spurred on by her own insecurity, she’d left Nate’s room in a hurry. A strong need to get away had driven her into dressing quickly and sneaking out, tip-toeing backwards out the door. Once in the hallway she paused. Her room was currently occupied by Becky and Doc, so she couldn’t go there. Nate’s door was now locked so she couldn’t go back in and she didn’t want to. She needed some space between herself and the overpowering sexy force of nature inside. He’d somehow breached all her barriers, knocked down the walls she kept firmly in place against men like him.

  Men like him? Emma looked around the corridor, taking in the fancy wallpaper decorating the walls. What about him set off her self-preservation alarm and sent her running out of the room? Sure, Nate had muscles from head to toe but not in a bad way. His were the product of a physical job and not the kind over-done by chronic narcissistic gym monkeys who spent their days staring at themselves in mirrors pumping iron. He didn’t blather on about himself like those other types of men either. In fact, he didn’t say much at all. He listened instead and only commented when he had something to add to the conversation. He was a pretty good dancer too. He’d been nice, respectful, and wow, a great lover!

  Emma couldn’t put her finger on a good reason for her apprehension. She just knew she needed a breather. Being near Nate made her breathless and she needed some air. The further she went down the hall, the better she felt. More like herself again. She’d taken the elevator down to the lobby thinking to find a place to kill time. In an hour, she’d text Becky and see if it was safe to come back to her room. Maybe they could remove themselves to Doc’s room. It was only fair. Emma found a comfy spot on a soft white couch and sat down. She yawned, reaching up to rub her eyes and stopped. Her contacts needed to come out.

  Thankfully, she had the case inside her handbag along with her glasses. Looking around, she noted only the night desk clerk, a tall young man with sandy-colored hair, staring at the computer in front of him, and a dark-haired man with an olive complexion wearing a charcoal colored suit near the elevator smoking a cigarette. He was watching the desk clerk as he took a long drag and slowly blew the smoke out. Neither paid her any mind.

  Emma returned to her task, turning her head away as she plucked out first one and then the other contact. She dropped them into their trays and screwed the lids back on. Instantly, her eyes felt better. She pushed her black-rimmed glasses onto her nose, tucked her contact case inside her handbag, and sat back. She wished she at least had her computer with her, but her phone would have to do for now to keep her entertained.

  It was nearly 4:00 a.m. when she texted Becky.

  ‘Is it safe to come into the room?’

  Three minutes passed before her phone buzzed in reply. ‘What? Where are you?’

  Emma’s fingers typed. ‘In the lobby. Nothing’s wrong. Just would really like to crawl into my bed.’

  The phone buzzed. ‘Jason left back to his room over an hour ago. What can I say? It was quick. Get up here and I’ll fill you in.’

  Emma chuckled. She’d been sitting down in the lobby for an hour when she could have already been asleep. She stood, firing off a quick ‘I’ll be right there’ before heading to the elevator.

  She pressed the button, waiting. The floor bell dinged, and the doors slid open. Emma stepped inside, weary and ready for bed. She turned to press the button for her floor. As the doors slid closed, a hand reached in, stopping them.

  “Hold the elevator, please.” A man stepped in. It was the same one she’d noticed earlier standing around smoking a cigarette. The scent of tobacco lingered around him.

  Emma stepped closer to the control panel pressing the Door Open button. “Sure. What floor?” she asked, hand hovering over the panel.

  He looked at her, dark eyes taking in her hot pink dress. “Ten.”

  The doors slid closed.

  Chapter 7

  Nate’s head was pounding, which didn’t seem right because he didn’t remember drinking that much. As the fog of sleep lifted, he realized it wasn’t his head pounding, but rather, someone pounding on his door.

  He got up and took three steps before remembering he was naked. He called out, “Hold on!” and turned to grab his jeans off the floor. He pulled them on, glancing around. The room was empty. Emma was gone. He hadn’t even heard her leave and wondered why she did. It was probably her at the door. He smiled, moving to let her in.

  Nate swung the door wide. “What in the world are you doing out here, sweetheart, when you should be in bed with me?” He stopped immediately.

  Doc stood on the other side, Becky next to him in tears.

  “I take it that means she isn’t here with you?” Doc leaned in, looking around Nate’s room. “Goddammit,” he said, running a hand over his face.

  Confused, Nate looked from Doc to Becky. “What is it? What’s going on? Where’s Emma?”

  “That’s what we’re trying to find out,” said Doc.

  “She texted me around four and said she was coming back to the room, but she never showed up!” Becky pushed past Nate. She began pacing, looking at the bed, then into the bathroom. “She didn’t come back here?”

  Nate’s heart jumped. “No. But then, I didn’t even know she’d left. I just discovered that when you two woke me. Where was she when she texted you?”

  Becky held up her cell phone. “She said she was in the lobby.” Nate turned heading for the door, but Becky stopped him. “I’ve already been down there. I talked to the front desk guy. He said he saw her sitting down there but that she’d gone back upstairs. There’s no sign of her anywhere. That’s when I went to get Jason.”

  Nate listened to the redhead until she ran out of steam. Tears welled in her eyes again.

  “Have you checked with your other two friends?” Surely Emma would’ve gone to one of them.

  At that moment, the two friends in question arrived at his door, Skyscraper and Eastwood right behind them.

  “She didn’t come to my room or Dina’s,” Joely stated. “She has to be somewhere here in the hotel. Where else would she be?”

  Nate looked at Doc. Experience taught them to recognize signs others would ignore because the alternative was just too horrible to consider. Emma had made it clear she was on her way to her room. She never showed up. Never communicated again over the last four hours with her friends. The desk clerk was the last person to see her. Something happened between the lobby and Emma’s floor. They each exchanged a look with Skyscraper and Eastwood, who stood waiting automatically for his orders.

  “Eastwood, you come with me. We’ll go see the manager on duty. They have security cameras everywhere. Let’s check those first.” He addressed Becky and Doc next. “Keep calling her cell phone. If she’s just somewhere in the hotel asleep, she’ll eventually answer, right?” Nate tried to offer some hope to Becky and her friends. Inside, his gut was clenched in a tight knot. He didn’t know Emma like they did, but he felt sure she wasn’t the type to up and disappear leaving people to worry about her. She was too considerate and kind for that. Why she’d left his room in the first place was a question for another time, however. Still, it seemed all she intended was to return to her own room.

  “We can call Tex. He can ping her cell phone,” Skyscraper offered.

  “Good idea. Do that now and tell him Outlaw said this is a fucking priority and he owes me one,” Nate barked before taking a calming breath. Tex was his friend, a fellow soldier and Navy Seal he’d served with on joint missions between the army and navy. His real name was John, but as his southern drawl gave away, he was from the Lone Star state, hence the nickname, Tex. Nate had been close by on a separate mission when an IED exploded, causing the man to later lose his leg and ending Tex’s military career, or so everyone thought. No one really knew exactly what that crazy cowboy did
for the navy anymore, but they all knew he was still somehow connected. Even more important, those connections enabled Tex to hunt down anyone across the globe. If someone was wanted or missing, the best chance at finding that person was through Tex.

  Dina’s brow creased. “Who the heck is Outlaw?”

  “Me,” said Nate.

  “What’s with these nicknames anyhow,” Joely asked, pinning Eastwood with a stare.

  Eastwood remained quiet, throwing a quick glance at Nate.

  “They’re code names,” Nate answered. “And that’s all you need to know.”

  “What kind of an answer is that? Who are you guys?” Joely’s feathers were ruffled and Dina moved to stand next to her while wrapping an arm around Becky’s shoulders pulling her close.

  Nate ignored her. “Make the call, Sky. Eastwood, you’re with me. Doc, stay with the ladies and rouse Hollywood and Ghost.”

  “We should call the police immediately,” said Dina. “We can’t waste any more time.” The prosecutor in her took over.

  Nate pulled on a t-shirt and his boots. He grabbed a shoulder holster from his luggage, strapped it on, and then from a smaller lock box inside the suitcase, withdrew his Sig Sauer 9 mm. He slid a clip in, popped it into the holster and turned to grab a jacket. The three women stared at him, eyes wide.

  “Seriously, who the hell are you guys?” Dina demanded.

  Skyscraper shook his head at Dina giving her the ‘cut it’ hand motion, but Nate answered, his voice steely. “We’re the goddamned cavalry, Dina. You call the police if you want, but in the meantime, we’re,” he looked at his men, “going to find Emma because I can tell you this, if she’s been taken there isn’t a minute to spare.”